Nepenthes x Hookeriana – Black, Striped Video!

Nepenthes x Hookeriana: A Natural Hybrid

Nepenthes x Hookeriana is a natural lowland hybrid between rafflesiana and ampullaria. Also called hooker’s pitcher plant and named after a British Botanist, Joseph Dalton Hooker. It can be found growing in Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia and Singapore. Usually this hybrid produces pitchers that range from all green to heavily speckled in red. Thanks to Nepenthes hybridizers there are now unusual black forms in cultivation!

Nepenthes x Hookeriana – black, striped is by far one of our favorite hybrids in the lowland greenhouse at Redleaf Exotics! This grex was bred in Thailand using the very rare ampullaria ‘Black Miracle’. It gives the plant squat pitchers with dark coloration and lime green striping. It’s fairly easy to cultivate and we grow it typical lowland conditions. The day time temperatures in our lowland greenhouse range from 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit and the nights rarely go below 65F. Our relative humidity is 75-85%. The plants get all of their nutrition from insects.

It’s a popular plant in collections around the world, but rarely do you ever see the black color form! We are happy to have it in our collection and excited to breed with it. Here is a highlight video on this stunning lowland hybrid!

Check out the video here:

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Redleaf Exotics